Thursday 6 December 2007

What is Crowding of Teeth or Malocclusion

"Malocclusion" or crowding of teeth is simple term abnormal position of Teeth.Incorrect relation between the teeth of the mandible and maxilla

Most people have some degree of malocclusion, although it isn't usually serious enough to require treatment.Those who have more severe malocclusions may require orthodontic and sometimes surgical treatment (orthognatic surgery) to correct the problem. Correction of malocclusion may reduce risk of tooth decay and help relieve excessive pressure on the temporomandibular joint. Orthodontic treatment is also used to align for aesthetic reasons.

Malocclusion is capable of adversely affecting the facial appearance of an individual
As Treatment take a long time, depending upon severity.It is necessary to identify malocclusion early in life. Parent should be educated enough to identified abnormality in occlusion of their chlid.

BAD HABIT: Such as "Thumb sucking" should not be taken lightly. It may result in

  • Tongue Thrusting
  • Lip sucking and lip biting
  • Nail biting
  • Posture
Effect of Malocclusion

  • Risk of Trama: Their is high risk of injury especially during play or by an accidental fall
  • Abnormalities of funtion: Many malocclusions cause abnormality in the functioning of the stomatognathic system such as improper deglutition, defects in speech, improper respiration
  • Temperomandibular joint problems: Malocclusion associated with occlusal prematurities and deep bite is believed to be a cause of TMJ problems such as pain and dysfunction.
  • Risk of caries: it make oral hygiene maintenance a difficult task, thereby increasing the risk of caries.
  • Predisposition to periodontal disease: Malocclusion associated with poor oral hygiene is a frequent cause of periodontal disease. In addition, teeth that are placed in abnormal position can be a cause for traumatic occlusion with resultant periodontal tissue damage.
  • Psychological disturbances: Malocclusion that adversely affect the appearance of a person leads to psychological disturbances. Unsightly appearance of teeth makes a person highly self-conscious and turns him into an introvert. Thus treatment of malocclusion im such patients helps in improving the mental well being amd confidence

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  1. Hi,
    send this link "logopedic and oral habits" [in Italian]:

    Best regards

    E.T. KLEIN, Pressure habits, etiological factors in malocclusion Am. Jour. Orthod., 38 (8), 569-587, 1952.

  2. My sister does .. she bought this nail thing but it still makes her do it LOL!
    Eny advicee?

  3. My Husband and I work on my step son sucking his thumb, but his mother allows it, We can see that his teeth are being affeced but she doesn't care. His top teeth are coming out and his bottem teeth are moving in. We tryed to tell her but she doesn't care. As soon as he sees her he puts his thumb in his mouth and she yells at us for telling him to take it out. We are lost on what to do.
