Thursday 6 December 2007

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath
Suppose you conduct a 'breath test' as you make your way to an important meeting, and you fail. Don't worry - the following quick fixes can help to minimize your horrible halitosis. If your gums, tongue and teeth are harbouring odour-causing bacteria, you'll want to adopt some rigorous daily hygiene habits to inhibit them. That's when special rinses, attention to toothpaste and regular brushing and flossing can begin making bad breath good.


  • Learn the side effects of any medications you may be taking, are they causing your bad breath? If so, you may wish to call your doctor to see if you can switch medications if bad breath is a big issue for you.
  • Follow your diet for a few days. Are you eating a lot of something known for causing bad breath? For example, garlic, onions and some types of fish are known to cause bad breath.
  • Cut back on the foods that cause bad breath.
  • f you'd like to fix the problem herbally, rather than going the "usual" route: Chew, do not swallow, a sprig of parsley or mint before and after eating to get rid of post-meal halitosis if you chose the herbal route.
  • If you'd rather go the usual route, gargle with a mouthwash but don't chew a stick of gum, as they actually worsen your breath, try mints however they may have sugars that feed the bacteria on your tongue, so if you are particularly oral health concious, just stick with the mouthwash.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to assure a fresh, clean feeling.
  • Purchase and use a tongue scraper and/or vigorously brush your tongue--your teeth are not the only place where odor-causing bacteria form. Make sure to brush the back of your tongue, not just the front.
  • Floss on a regular basis, preferably after each meal. This is still necessary, even after a toothbrush cleaning.
  • Consider that your bad breath may be stemming from within. While some bad breath is "superficial," (ie caused by bacteria in the mouth) it is often times the result of poor digestion.

  • To alleviate this type of bad breath, make it a point to eat a serving of "active culture" yogurt every day. The healthful bacteria in the yogurt will aid in digestion, and quickly eliminate any traces of internally generated bad breath.


  • Chances are, your breath is not as bad as you think it is. Ask someone you trust (and will give you an honest answer) if they think you have bad breath.
  • General rule of thumb: if you have a taste in your mouth, however light, you have bad breath. This only applies during periods of time when you aren't eating.
  • With so many choices of toothpastes on the market, pick one that you like the flavor of so that you'll enjoy brushing your teeth.
  • Don't drink bad-smelling liquids, as these particularly stick around in your mouth - drink lots of water but not milk, because it makes your breath smell REALLY bad, and don't go heavy on juice or liquor.
  • The people of South America start their mornings by gargling with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water. This keeps their breath fresh throughout the day.
  • To keep your toothbrush free of bacteria, store it, head down, in a lidded plastic tumbler of hydrogen peroxide. Rinse the brush down well before you use it.
  • Here's how to properly check for bad breath (the classic way of blowing into the palms and smelling them is a placebo: you may think you're ok but you are not): Lick the back of your hand and then smell it, if no odor is sensed - just the 'presence' of normal saliva, then you are good to go!


Do not stop prescription medication without your doctor's consent.

If none of the aforementioned techniques work for you, and you know you have severe bad breath, seek medical attention as bad breath can, in some rare cases, be a symptom of a far more serious disease.

Make sure you see a dentist regularly to fill up any cavities that may cause an unpleasant odor

Things You'll Need

  • A knowledge of the side-effects of any medication you may be taking (if you're not sure, contact your doctor or pharmacist).
  • Notebook and pen to track your diet.
  • Sprigs of parsley and mint if you choose the natural route.
  • Mints, and mouthwash (better to use mouthwash as there are very few oral health implications) if you choose the standard route.
  • Water.
  • Tongue cleaner.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss

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