Gingival enlargement:
it is basically overgrowth of the gingiva. i.e increase in the size of the gingiva. affecting part of or whole of gingiva.
it appears as a red swelling with shiny surface which is painful. The lesion may rupture spontaneously if allowed to progress.
Causes of gingival enlargement
I. inflammatory enlargement
i Acute
ii chronic
II. Drug-induced enlargement
III Due to Systemic disease
condition enlargement
i pregnancy
ii puberty
iii vitamin C deficiency
iv plasma cell gingivitis
v non specific englarment
systemic diseases
i leukemia
ii granulomatous disease
Thursday, 7 May 2009
gingival enlargement
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Thursday, 30 April 2009
Tooth absess
Abscess is basically the collection of the pus that has accumulated in a cavity formed by the tissue. The organisms or foreign materials kill the local cells, resulting in the release of toxins. The toxins trigger an inflammatory response, which draws large numbers of white blood cells to the area and increases the regional blood flow.
Similarly an Tooth Abscess is the collection of the pus in the Pocket of the bone, at the apex of the root, near the opening of the apical result due to the bacterial infection.Infection results in a collection of pus (dead tissue, live and dead bacteria, white blood cells) and swelling of the tissues within the tooth.This causes sever pain
continue reading cause of tooth abscess
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Labels: dentistry, Tooth pain, Toothache
How to protect your teeth and life
Basically every one looses teeth, but it is in your hand when to loss it. probably at the age of 80 years of age or 70 years or may be 50 years. That may sound very far, but if you not take care your of teeth and neglect it, you might lose it early in your life.
How to protect Your Teeth
First of all basic , brush your teeth .Yeah! everyone brushes his/her teeth.
But when , How many time, duration.
usually people brushes 1 time in morning some brushes 2 time , But the the right way is to brush every time after meal. Yeah that may sound weird , but if want to prevent you teeth from caries do it.
Say no to sweet
Say no soft drink (that's not gonna happen)
say no to tea (i drink tea 5 times a days , no wonder my teeth get pale yellow , do scaling and it become white again)
But seriously you need to consider what i call the ACT factor.
ACT factor is to act and stop your ACT
A- alcohole
C- cigarette
T- tobacoo
Combine three and your sure to get oral Cancer .....death warrant
Combine two what you get, let me guess may be 10 yr more.
Most teenager don't care or don't to think and find it cool.
mostly all oral cancer occur after the age of 30- 35 yr .
let me tell you, you are sure to get an cancer if you continue your habit.
you don't want to die at the age of 35
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Labels: braces, caries, tempore-mandibular joint syndrome
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Survey: 12 Percent Of People Not Brushing Teeth Daily
A British survey showed that more people than ever are reporting poor dental hygiene habits.
The Dental Health Foundation polled more than 1,000 people and found that one in 10 people do not brush their teeth daily and only one third were brushing for the full two minutes -- the recommended time.
"Good oral health is needed to prevent a wide range of conditions and, in particular, tooth decay and gum disease," said Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation.
He added that oral health overall has improved greatly in the last 30 years but warned that could be reversed.
"People must really get into the habit of brushing twice-a-day with fluoride toothpaste - it is absolutely vital to both your oral and general health."
This year the foundation saw great increase in oral health decline. The number of non-brushers was eight times higher than numbers last year.
The foundation was also concerned by some odd practices people reported like flossing their teeth with drill bits and twigs.
Lester Ellman, of the British Dental Association, said, "We are not noticing any deterioration in oral health, it has actually been improving for years.
"However, the danger is that people become complacent as things have got better with fluoride toothpaste and stop doing the things they should be doing.
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Thursday, 1 May 2008
Mouth Breathing
Mouth Breathing habit
basically breathing from mouth can also cause malocclusion
classification of mouth breathing
a. obstructive
b. Habitual
c. Anatomical
Obstructive: Complete or partial obstruction of the nasal passage can result in mouth breathing
Habitual: A habitual mouth breather is one who continues to breathe through his mouth even though the nasal obstruction is removed. Thus mouth breathing becomes a deep rooted habit that is performed unconsciously.
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Labels: dentist, dentistry, malocclusion, Teeth